How to use your time with intention
If we've learnt anything lately, it is time is precious, you don't know what is coming around the corner. I am missing my family, I am missing loved ones. I am regretting lost time with people. I am thinking maybe I should have used my time with more intention in the past. I've brainstormed some ways to help me and hopefully you use time with intention going forward.
1. Be mindful of each moment, and be in the present.
2. When creating your goals for each day, make sure you are including personal ones like connecting with family and friends.
3. Reflect daily or weekly on what is important to you and wether you got a chance to do that in the day.
4. Check your compass - check that your daily time is spent steering you towards something you actually want.
5. Don't be busy for busy's sake. Be busy for the sake of getting to your real goal.
